Searchable Symmetric Encryption (SSE) Basic Understanding In Go

5 min readJan 20, 2023


by KanakSasak

The problem being discussed is how to search for a specific word, “W”, within a set of encrypted documents that are stored on an untrusted server. The documents are encrypted by the user, Alice, to protect them from the untrusted server, Bob. The documents are divided into “words” which can be any token, such as a 64-bit block or an English word, depending on the context. The goal is to design a scheme where the server can determine if a document contains the specific word “W” without learning any other information about the document. This is necessary because Alice may have a low-bandwidth connection to the server.

There seem to be two types of approaches. The first method involves creating an index that lists all documents containing a specific word. The second method involves searching through the documents sequentially without using an index. The advantage of using an index is that it can be faster when working with large amounts of data, but the disadvantage is that it can take a lot of resources to store and update the index. Therefore, using an index is more appropriate for data that is mostly read and not often modified.

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package main

import (

func main() {
plaintext := "Alice and Bob want to send message securely"
fromIndexWord := strings.Index(plaintext, "message")
toIndexWord := fromIndexWord + 7
log.Println("Plain Text : ", plaintext)
log.Println("Index Position : " + strconv.Itoa(fromIndexWord) + " to " + strconv.Itoa(toIndexWord) + "")
log.Println("Index Word : ", plaintext[fromIndexWord:toIndexWord])
log.Println("Index Word Length : ", len(plaintext[fromIndexWord:toIndexWord]))
plainbin := binary(plaintext)
log.Println("Binary :", plainbin)
log.Println("Binary Length :", len(plainbin))
log.Println("Plain Length :", len(plaintext))
log.Println("Plain ASCII :", []byte(plaintext))

keyplain, keybin, err := GenerateRandomString(len(plaintext))
if err != nil {

log.Println("Key in plain : ", keyplain)
log.Println("Key in binary : ", keybin)
log.Println("Key in binary length : ", len(keybin))
log.Println("Key in plain length : ", len(keyplain))
log.Println("key in ASCII : ", []byte(keyplain))
log.Println("Index key Word : ", keyplain[fromIndexWord:toIndexWord])
log.Println("Index key Length : ", len(keyplain[fromIndexWord:toIndexWord]))
Titxt := produceTi(keyplain)
TiBin := binary(Titxt)
stringTI := Titxt

log.Println("Ti ASCII : ", []byte(Titxt))
log.Println("Ti in Plain : ", Titxt)
log.Println("Ti length : ", len(Titxt))
log.Println("Ti in binary : ", TiBin)
log.Println("Ti in binary length : ", len(TiBin))
log.Println("Index Ti Word : ", stringTI[fromIndexWord:toIndexWord])
log.Println("Index Ti Length : ", len(stringTI[fromIndexWord:toIndexWord]))

chiper := encryptStreamChiper(TiBin, plainbin)
log.Println("Chiper : ", chiper)
log.Println("Chiper in binary length : ", len(chiper))
chiperdecode := binaryToText(chiper)
log.Println("Chiper ASCII : ", []byte(chiperdecode))
log.Println("Chiper text : ", chiperdecode)
log.Println("Chiper text length: ", len(chiperdecode))
log.Println("Index Chiper Word: ", chiperdecode[fromIndexWord:toIndexWord])
log.Println("Index Chiper Length : ", len(chiperdecode[fromIndexWord:toIndexWord]))
plain := decryptStreamChiper(TiBin, chiper)
log.Println("Plain : ", plain)
log.Println("Plain in binary length : ", len(plain))
plaindecode := binaryToText(plain)
log.Println("Plain ASCII : ", []byte(plaindecode))
log.Println("Plain text : ", plaindecode)
log.Println("Plain text length: ", len(plaindecode))

if plain != plainbin {
panic("failed to decrypt")

fmt.Println("-------------------------*** Start Scenario SSE ***-------------------------------")
log.Println("Alice give Bob index word : ", plaintext[fromIndexWord:toIndexWord])
log.Println("Alice give Bob index word position : from " + strconv.Itoa(fromIndexWord) + " to " + strconv.Itoa(toIndexWord) + "")
prooftxt := proof(chiperdecode, plaintext[fromIndexWord:toIndexWord], fromIndexWord, toIndexWord)
log.Println("Bob give Alice proof : ", prooftxt)
log.Println("Alice compare proof : " + prooftxt + " and Ti : " + stringTI[fromIndexWord:toIndexWord] + "")
if prooftxt != stringTI[fromIndexWord:toIndexWord] {
panic("failed to proofing")
} else {
log.Println("Proofing Success!")


func binary(s string) string {
res := ""
for _, c := range s {
res = fmt.Sprintf("%s%.8b", res, c)
return res

func GenerateRandomString(n int) (string, string, error) {
const letters = "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz-"
ret := make([]byte, n)
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
num, err := rand.Int(rand.Reader, big.NewInt(int64(len(letters))))
if err != nil {
return "", "", err
ret[i] = letters[num.Int64()]

token := binary(string(ret))

return string(ret), token, nil

func encryptStreamChiper(key string, message string) string {

keyarr := []byte(key)
messagearr := []byte(message)
chipertxt := ""
for i := 0; i < len(messagearr); i++ {
ciphertmp := messagearr[i] ^ keyarr[i]
chipertxt = fmt.Sprintf("%s%s", chipertxt, fmt.Sprint(ciphertmp))
return chipertxt


func produceTi(key string) string {
keyarr := []byte(key) //convert to ASCII

Ti := make([]byte, len(keyarr))

for i := 0; i < len(keyarr); i++ {
res := int(keyarr[i]) + 3
copy(Ti[i:], string(int(res)))

return string(Ti)

func decryptStreamChiper(key string, chiper string) string {

keyarr := []byte(key)
chiperarr := []byte(chiper)
plaintext := ""

for i := 0; i < len(chiperarr); i++ {
plaintexttmp := chiperarr[i] ^ keyarr[i]
plaintext = fmt.Sprintf("%s%s", plaintext, fmt.Sprint(plaintexttmp))


return plaintext


func binaryToText(binarystring string) string {
plaintext := ""
n := 8
for n <= len(binarystring) {
lass := n - 8

x := binarystring[lass:n]
y, e := strconv.Atoi(x)
if e != nil {
plaintext = fmt.Sprintf("%s%s", plaintext, string(binaryToDecimal(y)))
n += 8

return plaintext


func binaryToDecimal(num int) int {
var remainder int
index := 0
decimalNum := 0
for num != 0 {
remainder = num % 10
num = num / 10
decimalNum = decimalNum + remainder*int(math.Pow(2, float64(index)))
return decimalNum

func proof(chiper string, word string, fromindex int, toindex int) string {
chiperword := chiper[fromindex:toindex]
wordarr := []byte(word)
chiperwordarr := []byte(chiperword)
prooftxt := make([]byte, len(wordarr))
for i := 0; i < len(wordarr); i++ {
plaintexttmp := chiperwordarr[i] ^ wordarr[i]
copy(prooftxt[i:], string(int(plaintexttmp)))

return string(prooftxt)

Output from the code
Output from source code

An additional pseudo-random function, which will be keyed independently of F . The main idea is to choose our keys as k[i] := fk’ (W[i]). We require that k’ be chosen uniformly randomly in K by Alice and never be revealed. Then, if Alice wish to allow Bob to search for the word W, she reveals fk’ (W) and W to him. This allows Bob to identify all the locations where W might occur, but reveals absolutely nothing on the locations i where W[i] != W. This attains our desired goal of controlled searching.

Reference :

  1. Dawn Xiaoding Song, Wagner, D., & Perrig, A. (2000). Practical techniques for searches on encrypted data. Proceeding 2000 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy. S&P 2000, 44–55.

